1 month in!

We are just one short day away from 1 month since our first trip to Mayo.  Interestingly enough, this visit was the same time as the major flooding that happened in NE Iowa in late August and here we are in late September and talking about the same issue.  In fact, today my amazing daughter and husband spent the day sandbagging for those in need in the Cedar Rapids/Palo area!  I couldn't be more proud of them giving up their day off to help those who are amidst a situation they never would have dreamed of after 2008!

As I sit here typing this, we are a few short days away from my 1 month follow-up at Mayo.  During this visit we will meet with Dr. Goetz again, in addition to more blood work, meeting my surgeon and actually having surgery to remove my ovaries.  This surgery allows me to forgo the once a month injections to stop my ovaries from working and ultimately stop the production of estrogen.  This injection was not the most pleasant experience, so I am electing for a one-time outpatient surgery instead.....seems like a no-brainer in my mind!

Round 2 of medicine is still going great with no side-effects;  I will start round 3 after meeting Dr. Goetz this week.  It arrived in the mail last week so assuming I am given the go ahead, I will begin this later this week. While this is not the final treatment, I will most likely need a round 4 for a bone hardener at some point in the future, it is were we are at for right now and until we ensure things are working as they should be.

So, this week while I am praying for positive results and progress in my health, it is important for me to mention and for us to all remember the others in my life needing thoughts and prayers.  As the saying goes, "when it rains, it pours," I feel like those in need of our prayers has grown exponentially since my last update.  I ask you to please pray for little Ms. Veronica Sullivan, a friend of Eric who lost his wife to a courageous battle of cancer this week, and to all those being affected by the flood of 2016!

The last month has certainly been a journey!  One that has brought about many emotions but one that has certainly caused me to live in the present.  I continue to be thankful for all that I have been given and the results I have seen thus far.....more on that after I see Dr. Goetz!

Thank you all for joining in our journey in whatever form that may be!  All of your love, support, compassion, generosity and concern is very much appreciated.  We truly feel loved and blessed by all of you!

I will update during our stay at Mayo next week......stay tuned!!!!


  1. Amy- you amaze me. You are the picture of strength, courage and grace in the way you are navigating all of this. Prayers continue... You know that you have a friend in Rochester if you need anything at all...


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