And So It Begins......

The back story to this post is......on Friday, August 5th I was diagnosed with breast cancer - invasive ductal carcinoma.  At 35 years old, having a great summer with family, and preparing for the 2016-2017 school year, this was not the anticipated outcome I saw as an end to our summer.  But here we are and our journey begins....

Yesterday Eric and I met with oncology to determine a treatment plan; however, there are a few missing pieces that need to be completed prior to finalizing a plan.  A few more tests and appointments today and tomorrow and then hopefully we can start this journey forward!  The initial plan calls for chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation.

We are taking things day by day in our house!  A lot of you have asked to keep you updated so in an effort to not miss communicating with anyone I thought this blog would be the easiest way to share what is happening.  We will use this forum to post updates and share information as we learn new things.

A big thank you to those who have already helped out, stopped by, and sent your prayers!  A special thanks to my parents for taking the kids to their "land of toys" this week, to Eric's parents for bringing Champ home to us (after a weekend away), to Beth and the amazing Regis staff for their outpouring support and gifts, for MaryAnn's chicken pot pie, and for a visit from the Fandel's!  You definitely know how to make a person feel loved!

We would love any and all prayers as we begin this journey!



  1. Our prayers and thoughts are with you, Amy and family. Hugs to you all and praying for strength as you travel this journey!

  2. Sending healing thoughts and prayers to you!

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  4. Hard to believe we are at an age where this can happen! Lots of prayers and thoughts for you and your family! You are a strong person and know you can beat this!!

  5. Thank you for sharing with us as your journey begins,
    so that we may share in the journey with our faith, prayers, and hope!
    Nancy Justice and Family

  6. My heart aches for you. May you feel God's loving and healing presence. We will be praying for you and your family.
    Mali & Eric Rushton and Family

  7. Amy...Jason and I have you in our thoughts and are sending tons of positive vibes your way. You are a strong woman and we believe that this cancer does not stand a chance against you. Lots of love from Maine!

  8. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers, Amy & Eric. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.....and know you will have many followers with you.
    Russ & Angie Laures

  9. The Andersens will hold you and your loved ones in prayer as you win this battle.

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