An Update from Somewhere in Southern MN (where it is NOT snowing yet)

Well, it has been some time since I posted an update.  This is kind of two-fold; first, our lives are a bit crazy these days as Eric travels, I shuffle Braylen to soccer, softball and basketball practice, getting Kellen to baseball and soccer practice, keep my eyes on Meyer and to top if off, basketball tournaments on the weekends!  By the time I get the kids too bed, I am not far behind!!  Second, because there really hasn’t been any new developments in my health.  Everything has been status quo and as the saying goes, no news is good news!

Today we were back at Mayo for blood work, a meeting with Dr. Smith and the bone hardener injection.  Blood work was normal and probably most importantly, my calcium levels returned to normal range.  For some reason, last visit (in late December) my levels were lower than normal and raised a bit of a concern.  Thankfully, no additional concerns there, just instructions to keep drinking milk!! 

Dr. Smith hadn’t seen me since the PET scan and echoed the comments of Dr. Goetz.  Her first words were, what an amazing scan (with a huge smile on her face)!  The only real change in my health has been my fatigue level, but ultimately I am not sure how much of this is medicine related as opposed to life with 3 kids 10 and under and working full-time!  She agreed, phew!  And let’s be honest if having the bedtime of my kids is the only side affect, I can handle that!   Her physical examination indicated no sign of any lumps and helps ease my mind!  Trust me, I check daily but to hear no signs of cancer from her brings tears of joy!

The other part of my visit was the bone hardener injection; this is every 3 months and today’s infusion meant round 2.  I posted last time prior to feeling the real affects of this medicine.  Needless to say, I felt like I got hit by a freight train; body aches/chills, a fever and muscle aches that virtually left me sitting or laying down.  The upside, these symptoms only lasted 2 days and it sounds like this is common for the first administration of this medicine.  So, I am hoping that this round goes much smoother with not as many of those “flu-like” affects.

Generally speaking, we are doing great.  The weather the past 7 days has been phenomenal which has meant for much outdoor time with the kids!  Basketball is wrapping up in the next couple of weeks but we are savoring our time with Braylen’s team; it has been a great season and such a joy watching her and her teammates play! 

I have been feeling great and savor each and every moment!  I appreciate the thoughts and prayers, especially during this most recent visit.  The next PET scan is Easter Monday and to be quiet honest, the fact that this visit follows Easter brings me peace!  There are always the what-ifs and what about or when, but thankfully our crazy schedules don’t allow for much downtime and instead we take advantage of every minute we have together! 

Today I just count my blessings for the Mayo healthcare system and all it has done for my prognosis.  Next weekend marks 7 months since diagnosis and I never would have dreamed I would feel like I do and am able to enjoy life as I did prior to that day!


  1. Glad to hear it Amy, Don`t get to wore down, that can`t be good for you. Missed you at Christmas but I know how busy you are. I`ll keep you in my prayers everyday. Stay safe with the bad weather coming. Love you and take care


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