12 more days until PET scan #2

It is that time again; we are just 12 days away from my next PET scan.  This one is 4 months out from our check back in late December.  Since then, everything has been going great.  No new changes; in fact, I would say that the affects of my medicines and the bone hardener have gotten better and have been minimized over the last few months.  Yes, the fatigue is still present, but given our sports schedules this spring/summer, I don’t see that subsiding anytime soon!  In fact, now we add Kellen’s activities to the mix!

Although my appointment is a couple of weeks away, I was sent this article from a dear friend of mine (thanks Jackie) and thought it was so important that I had to share.  This article talks about the very thing that most of you have heard me say along this journey, only this article puts the statistics to it!  Each time I read this article I get stuck on these words, 88% of those who came to Mayo go home with a new or refined diagnosis – one that changed their plan for care and “potentially saved their lives.” 

Potentially saved their lives!!  At this juncture of my journey there is no potentially saved my life, it is…….the plan as derived by Mayo HAS saved my life!  Furthermore, it has allowed me to be the mom I need and so desperately want to be, carpooling kids to and from sports practices, enjoying time outdoors watching the kids play, having lots of family and friends time, enjoying games of 2 on 2 with Braylen, Eric and my Dad (good guys won!), celebrating birthdays (Kellen turned 6 last weekend) and spending my weekends on the basketball court, soccer field or softball/baseball diamond.

My initial treatment plan included very intense chemotherapy for at least 4 months, radiation for 5 months and a double mastectomy.  Yes, almost a year full of poking, prodding and feeling sick.  Instead, thanks to my second opinion at Mayo, I feel fantastic, have none of the side affects of serious treatments as mentioned above and have no significant signs of cancer.  My only regular regime is a bone hardener injection every 3 months and 2 pills with very little side affects.  AND……to top it off, after just 3 months of this routine, Dr. Goetz used the word that I am not sure I would ever here, you are in remission.  My other treatment plan wasn’t even sure after all of that, we would not be able to see traces of cancer. 

I am very well aware that I am just one person; however, according to this study I am certainly not alone.  I just had to share in case this article could make a difference in your life or the life of someone you love!

Enjoy the read!


  1. You simply AMAZE me! Your strength through your battle has been a force to be recon with! Sending you all prayers while you wait for the scan. (Isn't the waiting the worst part!!!)

  2. So glad to hear you are doing well. I was thinking just last week that I hadn't seen or heard anything from you or Eric for awhile. No news is good news! Keep up the fight! You are an inspiration!!


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