To say I am exhausted and speechless after this weekend is probably an understatement, not because I am not feeling well or that this is a side effect of a medicine, but rather because this weekend includes lots of great events with a number of those I love! The baseball playoffs have begun which brings about a great deal of excitement in this house, especially when the Cubs make the post-season. Of course, it also begs the question, is this finally going to be the year the curse is broken. In addition, Saturdays and Sundays are full of plenty of football, watching both the Iowa Hawkeyes and the Green Bay Packers (as I type this the Packers are winning!)
Friday night included some time to enjoy the fall outdoors, a little brick-oven pizza (thanks MaryAnn and Terri) and some Cubs baseball! Given that Saturday was the first time we would actually be home for an away football game, we figured that we better tailgate! Family and friends joined us as we sat on the edge of our seat, hoping and praying for a Hawkeye victory! We needed to attend mass on Saturday night this week as our Sunday was jam packed; this weekend also happened to be our parishes bi-annual celebration of Anointing of the Sick. As I had prepared for this sacrament, I was ready for the chance for a blessing of continued healing. What I hadn't prepared for what the flood of emotions that would accompany this sacrament. The music being sung by the choir was absolutely amazing, this created the initial tears and then the emotions came over me. I can honestly say I haven't felt the need to cry in a very long time, but for some reason yesterday afternoon it all set in. I was also moved that my entire family and some dear friends were there to join me on this journey of healing by receiving the sacrament.

Today was one of the most amazing days of my life. Interestingly enough, as I registered for the Especially for You Race, one of the questions on the form was, "are you a survivor?" I hadn't really thought of myself that way, but today I definitely realized that I join a unique group of individuals who have or are battling this illness. I also join an amazing support system of 15,500+ who are dedicated to the battle and are willing to fight the fight! Once again, I was joined by an amazing support system consisting of current and former students, parents, friends from near and far (thanks especially to 2 of my high school friends who made an early morning trek from NE Iowa - Kristin and Jenn) and family! Seeing all of those who have touched my life, join in this cause with me absolutely had me speechless! I am so very thankful for all of you and especially those of you who came out bright and early this morning to join our journey and the journey of all those suffering from breast cancer. I am happy to report that I was able to complete the 5k race with a wonderful support team of a dear friend, Ashlee, and my sister, Stacie, and it felt great! Just 11 days post-surgery I wasn't quite sure that I would be able to make it, but I did and felt absolutely no pain!
The Conlon's |
The Sumner's |
The Group - Pre-Race Photo |
Survivor's Photo - I am on the middle of the E! |
Former Students who came to join me! |
I started round #3 of meds last week and 7 days in, I wouldn't even know that anything has changed. I am still feeling great and have felt 0 side effects from this new medicine. With the incorporation of surgery, round #2 of meds and this new addition, virtually all of the estrogen my body produces is being eliminated and the cells are being "tricked" to not move through my blood stream! This last part is the new FDA drug that was recently approved due to the amazing work of my doctor.

Here is to another fantastic week! Together you keep me #AmyStrong!
Keep Going strong!!!