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A Speed Bump in the Journey

Year 3 Check-Up Today was our 6 month trip to Mayo, which also coincided with my 3-year check-up.  Unfortunately, as you can tell by the title of this post, we have run into a speed bump on the journey. The results of my PET scan this morning showed a small recurrence of cancer in one area of my pelvic bone.  While it is definitely not the worse news I could have received, it certainly is a step backwards and takes me back to the feelings on day 1.  So many emotions to filter through. The good news, the spot is very small and was caught very early.  So much so I have zero symptoms that would have alerted me to a problem.  Dr. Goetz thinks we can easily attack this through 1 day of radiation, but we will find out the verdict on that tomorrow when we meet with radiation oncology at 1:45PM.  Regardless of the number of days, I will then have a scan again 2 months later to see if this removed the cancer. He is confident we can return to remission th...

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